Tuesday, July 6, 2010

God Is Working In The Mehring House!

If you are friends with me on Facebook, then you know that at 1a.m. God showed His Hand at our house last night! It was magical and glorious!! Let me explain(a little).

We are ready to adopt again and we feel called to adopt special needs children. I have been networking for a few months and inquiring about a few children that I have found. Sometimes you never hear a word back about these kids but sometimes....you get a call and that's what happened. We got a call about a special needs little boy. I was told of his situation and I told them, "Sure we are interested". I was given his care taker's phone number and was urged to call her and learn about this boy. It took a few weeks to reach the care taker and once I did, she shared with me, many things about this precious child. Some things were typical and what I expected and some were terrifying!!

I told Jamie and we prayed about this situation. Then, I did what many would do, I just tried to put this child out of my mind. I told Jamie "We can't do this, he is too complicated and is that fair to our other children"?? Then I went on my merry way and inquired about more children.

A couple months had passed and I would think of this boy often and the strangest thing of all, is that I could never bring myself to call the social worker and tell her that we just could not take this boy into our family. I just froze everytime I picked up the phone. I knew the God was not letting me call. But how could we ever care for this child knowing what we were told??? I kept on resisting God's words to me.

On June 8th, our son Alex's birthday and the day of his party. My husband came running outside and said "You have a phone call". So I took the call and guess who it was????

It was this boy's social worker, informing me that they had to move baby boy into a new home due to "concerns of the caretaker". The worker urged me to call the new caretaker and discuss how baby boy is doing. So I gave it a few days, not even sure I wanted to call, but I did!

That's when God just took me by the hand and showed me who was boss! The new caretaker was an amazing angel, she reassured us that this boy was just fine and that he is worth every minute of care that he requires. I cannot even describe the feeling I felt after that call!!! What an amazing God we have!!!

So, now you're thinking "Happy Ending, Right"??? Nope! Have I ever told you all that I'm a little stubborn??? hehe

I was gung ho after that phone call and then we recieved pictures and that was it!!!! We were hooked! BUT....we had to update our paperwork and that requires time and money! So the race was on!!!

Now, in the mean time we got yet another call! This time about the 3 brothers that I fessed up to a few posts ago. We did go ahead and submitted our paperwork for consideration and as you know we came in second. But in the middle of waiting for the answer on the 3 boys, I just had this feeling that these were not our children. I told Jamie this and he agreed. It just didn't feel right. After we knew the boys were not ours, it then cemented yet again, who our child was!

So we are now almost done with our update and just resting as we anticipate a new addition within this year. Then!!! Yesterday, I found out that a child that waits in China is now available once again for adoption that I so adore. I guess I just have too much heart because this tore me to pieces! I would love nothing more than to bring this precious girl home! So I started franticly gathering all of her information and asking questions, and thinking that maybe this is a sign!

I texted Jamie to tell him as he knew who this little girl was and he seemed responsive to the idea. But then it happened. God needed to remind me who my child was! My husband texted me back and told me that "baby boy" was on his heart and he was excited about him. This spoke volumes to me!!! Jamie never gets excited about any child until he physically sees them! I knew that this was coming from above!

Shortly after our texting conversation, I recieved an email (this is where the 1am comes in). It was from baby boys caretaker! She once again showed her "angel status" as she wrote so many encouraging words! I just cannot believe how much God is in our home and our lives!!! I am just amazed!! So I will now stop the roadblocks and just obey my God!!! I am stubborn but I am faithful!

One more inspiration to me today, is the fact that today my dear husband has been so "adoption crazy"!!! He has texted me and has mentioned the gift of adoption a few times today! It's amazing!!! This is so unlike him! He told me that he is proud of our family and many people don't know the privelage of being an adoptive parent!! I am speechless and just in awe!

Our journey to our baby boy is far from over and I really don't know a timeline of the things to come. But I will share when I can and continue to let God lead the way!

This is why we should trust God's word and NEVER doubt it! He leads us to the most AMAZING gifts!

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